Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Desiderata and Old Saint Paul's

For text and some info go to-

Desiderata is Latin for "Things to be Desired."

My name is Fred Craig. As the current Junior Warden of Old Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church in Baltimore I am responsible for oversight of “buildings and grounds” that are owned by our historic church. You can be well assured that my list of things to be desired is quite extensive and has grown during my four years as the Junior Warden. Money has always been elusive for bricks and mortar needs and is not becoming less so during the current economic trials. I have two more years to serve as Junior Warden and "have the intention" to blog about what is going on in the physical realm of our church. The “Desiderata” an inspirational writing that has often been mistakenly associated with our church has provided me with a name for this blog that I will use to relate facts, fables and history about our buildings and grounds and hopefully generate interest and participation on the part of the parishioners. I welcome your comments and participation.

Fred Craig

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fred, Thank you for helping keep the record straight on Desiderata. I get many inquiries and wonderful stories about how Desiderata has touched people's lives. I have been deeply connected with the words for many years and had a lovely correspondence with Robert Bell. My calligraphy of the words can be seen at http://desiderata.com/
    All the Best,
